swiss environment & energy Swiss

Hot Summer Deadlines

Christina Marchand

Just a quick update before the summer break and several hot deadlines – don't miss them.

Swiss Technology Award 2019
If you are a startup that knows how to implement an idea into a company structure. You are founded and your product is defined and ideally you already have prototypes. You also have looked into possibilities for financing, production and marketing, and are able to produce a solid business plan. Then apply for the Swiss Technology Award 2019, one of the most renowned prices in Switzerland until the 23. of August 2019.

Climate KIC Accelerator
If you have a new technology or service with both commercial viability and climate impact, it has been less than five years since founding, and you have a minimum of two co-founders committed to working full-time on this venture – then apply here until next Monday the 22.7.2019 to accelerate your business!

Energy Startup Day 2019
The Energy Startup Day is an annual event connecting ~35 startups from the energy, cleantech and mobility sectors to 150 representatives from the private and public sectors. The promotion of networking and collaboration between startups and established companies has already led to numerous collaborations and even takeovers. The event has received top ratings from participants in recent years and has grown strongly since its launch in 2015. This year the event will start with an Investor Speed-Dating session for a selected number of startups. Startups can already apply and should do so asap, as already half the startup spots are taken.

Innovationsausstellung am Swiss Green Economy Symposium 2019 (German)
Spannende Gelegenheit für Startups sich mit einem Stand am Swiss Green Economy Symposium 2019 zu präsentieren. Machen Sie Ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen bei rund 800 interessierten Besuchern an der umfassendsten Plattform für Wirtschaft und Nachhaltigkeit der Schweiz bekannt. Sie haben die Möglichkeit den Stand selber auszuwählen und sich für eine Förderung im Umfang von 50% der Kosten zu bewerben (ACHTUNG: begrenztes Förderkapital!).
Am Swiss Green Economy Symposium werden folgende Themen in den Innovationsforen (Workshops) am Nachmittag behandelt: Digitalisierung und Gesundheit, Nahrung, Immobilien, Mobilität/Logistik, Nachhaltig Investieren und Finanzieren, Tourismus, Smart City, Wärmeversorgung, Expansion nach Afrika, Globale Wertschöpfungsketten, Kunststoffe und Virtuelle Welten.
Bei Fragen steht Ihnen Herr Mijo Karin von Lifefair gerne zur Verfügung: karin (at) Alle Infos finden Sie hier.

We wish you a refreshing summer
Christina & Devon
for the Innovation Monitor Team

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