swiss environment & energy Swiss

Article on National Support Programs

Christina Marchand

Read our report on national support programs for cleantech startups to learn about where to find support to build up a cleantech startup in Switzerland, including a detailed analysis of 5 key programs, examples and advice from other startups and program managers.

This article was written by the Innovation Monitor team from eqlosion and ZHAW, based on interviews and research done in 2019. The article is available in German and French (see links below).

English summary:
Public support programs are very diversified in Switzerland. They are divided between national and regional programs and it is sometimes difficult to navigate through this complex ecosystem for startups which markets are national or often international. In this article we provide links to overviews of financial supports available for Switzerland, as well as a detailed assessment of 5 key programs that support projects in the field of energy and environment in Switzerland:
- Pilot and Demonstration programme - SFOE
- Environmental technology promotion - FOEN
- REPIC program
- Technology Fund
- Innovation projects from Innosuisse

Program managers as well as startup's CEOs give their best advices to project leaders who would like to apply to these support mechanisms. In summary projects have to be ambitious but realistic, with a strong understanding of the market. Competences and diversity of the team are, in addition to the technology or the service, key aspects to focus on for good entrepreneurship project.

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