Survey amongst over 300 startups
The Swiss Environment & Energy Innovation Monitor provides information on active startups and innovative companies in the environment and energy business sectors. In our yearly online survey, we collect data to improve the database and provide critical feedback to the national authorities on how to improve the startup ecosystem. We thank all startups for their support in filling out the survey. All Startups that complete the survey by June 16th, will have the chance to win one of three Rollups, printed according to your own design by WITZIG DRUCK AG, a company that supports environmentally friendly production and fair working conditions since many years. The responses we collect are for the startups own benefit, as our aim is to help: o Increase the visibility among public authorities, investors and potential partners. o Help startups to stay informed about funding opportunities and governmental support o Results will be used by the SFOE/ BFE/ OFEN/ UFE and FOEN/ BAFU/ OFEV/ UFAM to improve support mechanisms This project is managed by eqlosion and the ZHAW School of Management and Law with the support of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy and for the Environment. The data collected in this survey is handled confidentially and is only made public in an anonymized and aggregated form. We look forward to feedback or questions at any time.